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Why You Should Choose IAMPS:

Institute of Arts Management and Professional Studies (IAMPS) training and certificates are backed by Institutions that set the industry standards in the various fields where we offer training/certification.


Institute of Arts Management and Professional Studies (IAMPS) is recognized by the Federal Ministry of Education, Nigeria (FME/ESS/E&A/ANPB/XXIT/228), as an Institution of higher learning empowered to award Proficiency Certificates.


Institute of Arts Management and Professional Studies is incorporated by the Corporate Affairs Commission under the Federal Republic of Nigeria CAM Act No. RC1329612. 1990.


The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) oversees the global gold standard for Quality Management across various industries. IAMPS is certified by the International Organization for Standardization; ISO 9001:2015. All our certificates are backed by the confidence that comes with ISO certification and is accepted globally.

Our ISO number is NG682640. To verify, visit www.universalregistrars.com and insert the number.

As an accredited ISO QMS audit firm, IAMPS understands the issues of the Quality Management System and will bring the full force of our experience to bear on the quality of training participants will receive.


IAMPS is also accredited by the Euro-American Joint Accreditation Services (EA-JAS). EA-JAS is an independent accreditation body offering accreditation programs for Laboratories, Certification bodies, Quality Management Systems, and Inspection bodies. EA-JAS is recognized by International Accreditation Forum (IAF). All EA-JAS accreditation programs operate in accordance with relevant international standards with the aim of getting these programs harmonized and recognized internationally. This will ultimately promote and increase the reputation and confidence of products and services provided by EA-JAS accredited partners.


Institute of Arts Management and Professionals is also an accredited Affiliate Member of the globally recognized safety organization “World Safety Organization” (WSO) with accreditation number: #024548.


IAMPS Safety Health Management Professionals (ISHMP) is an accredited member of the National Association of Public Health practitioners Council of Nigeria (NAPHPCON). NAPHPCON was incorporated under the Federal Republic of Nigeria as the umbrella body for all public health practitioners in Nigeria. NAPHPCON is committed to building a competent workforce by offering competency-based certification to public health practitioners.


Recognition, Accreditation and Charter Council (RACC) is a globally recognized accreditation body registered in the United Kingdom for assessment and validation of the status of persons, institutions, and organizations in the area of quality service delivery by the application of best practices and professional standards. IAMPS has attained RACC Recognition Status with Status number: RACC/RCS-7085 (www.raccouncil.org)


Institute of Arts Management & Professionals is a Corporate Member of The Chartered Institute of Arts Management & Professionals (CIAP) USA with membership verification number 417 (www.ciap-edu.org). CIAP is an internationally recognized professional body that provides Arts Managers with a valuable designation, a mark of excellence that is valued throughout the Arts and Management industry worldwide. CIAP is a member of World Associations of Arts Management; to provide Administrators, Students, Researchers, Governments, Entertainers, Policy Decision Makers, Professionals & other Stakeholders the springboard for Leadership, Management & Entrepreneurship in the arts for constructive, regulatory & beneficial engagements of Arts Management globally.